sv temptress

Temptress Boat Progress

3 Ways to Wire Off-Grid Batteries (Add Lithium to your System)

Peaceful Easy Feeling Guitar Jam on a sailboat (Temptress Sessions)

A day in the life of Chris. - EP 8 - SV INSATIABLE

How to Install Off-Grid Solar Yourself

Danny Boy / Londonderry Air - Button Accordion & Guitar on a Sailboat (Temptress Sessions)

Restoring Our Antique Sailboat - Ep. 1 | The To-Do List

The Caribbean's Safest Harbor: How to Sail into Luperon

Restoring Our Antique Sailboat - Ep. 2 | Rotten Ceiling

DIY Waterproof Trolling Motor Lithium Battery

Cheapest Lithium Challenge: PUPVWMHB 100ah Mini

Best Cheap Boat Fridge? (AlpiCool C15 / C20) 12V

Ep. 07: Exploring Hope Town, before Dorian

She Said WHAT on the RADIO??? - Ep 84 Sailing Luckyfish

Must-Have Tools for Live aboard Boat Life

Restoring Our Antique Sailboat - Ep. 3 | Gassy Problems

Leaving Temptress [Ep 05.07 July 2022 Adventure Log]

Adding LITHIUM to your LEAD battery bank [Capable Cruising Guides]

More important than life vests? The dinghy gear I carry

Ep. 03: Exploring Eleuthera

Ep. 04: Sailing to Spanish Wells

Siekon batteries: great value, or great disappointment?

Should You Buy Mantus Anchoring Gear?

Emily and I have Split Up. Please Give Me a Hand